
ENTREPRENEUR : More than a tag!

It will be easy no one said, it will be worth they said.
Entrepreneur : It is not a tag or a fancy word but something that will extract everything from you. You will put all you’ve got to gain all you’ve dreamed. The desire, the dream, never let that go. Thats the only thing that will fuel you up when no one will trust you.
Have a dream ,and do every possible thing to make it a reality.
Make your own timeline, and don’t compare that with anyone else. Everyone have their own timeline. Achieve slowly , achieve consistently. There should be a never ending greed of achieving. Achieving something that did not allowed you to sleep, that did not allowed you to think of something else.
To achieve something you never had, you have to sacrifice almost everything.
You have no idea how satisfying is the taste of the achievement feels like.

what is the cost of being happy in 2024?

The cost of happiness in 2024, much like in any other time, varies greatly depending on individual circumstances, values, and priorities. While material possessions and experiences may contribute to momentary joy, true happiness often stems from more intrinsic sources such as meaningful relationships, personal growth, and a sense of purpose. Therefore, the cost of happiness may involve investments of time, energy, and resources into nurturing these aspects of life. It may require prioritizing self-care, fostering connections with loved ones, pursuing passions, and contributing to causes greater than oneself. Ultimately, the cost of being happy in 2024, as in any era, lies in the choices we make and the values we uphold in our quest for fulfillment and well-being.

If happiness has a price tag, the average person believes the magic number is $1.2 million, according to a recent financial happiness report.  In France, for example, you’d have to earn $79,602 a year, or around 75,000 euros, to be happy, whereas in Australia this well-being would come at a higher cost, in the region of $121,191. (source: reports)

Finding a balance between work and life- Yin and Yang

Finding a balance between work and life can be likened to the Yin and Yang model from traditional Chinese philosophy. In this model, Yin represents the passive, receptive, and nurturing aspects, while Yang symbolizes the active, assertive, and dynamic qualities. Similarly, achieving work-life balance involves harmonizing opposing forces: dedicating time and energy to both work commitments (Yang) and personal well-being (Yin). Just as Yin and Yang are interdependent and in constant flux, maintaining equilibrium between work and life requires flexibility, adaptability, and mindful awareness. When balanced, these contrasting elements complement and support each other, fostering holistic well-being and a sense of harmony in one’s life.

As a journalist and entrepreneur, you embody the fusion of two dynamic roles, each with its own set of demands and rewards. Journalism is a conduit for truth-seeking, storytelling, and societal impact, requiring a keen eye for detail, effective communication skills, and a commitment to integrity. On the other hand, entrepreneurship fuels innovation, creativity, and risk-taking, as you navigate the complexities of building and managing your own ventures. Balancing these two roles involves seamlessly integrating the investigative spirit of journalism with the strategic vision and entrepreneurial drive necessary for business success. Your ability to thrive in both domains speaks to your versatility, resilience, and unwavering dedication to making a meaningful impact in the world of media and beyond.

When life whispers, ‘It’s always been you,’ reminding you that true happiness resides within.

In the quiet moments of introspection, when the noise of the world fades away, life often reveals its profound truth: it has always been you, and no one else, who holds the key to your happiness. Amidst the ebb and flow of life’s journey, with its myriad experiences and encounters, the constant remains your own essence, your own being. It is within the depths of your soul that true contentment resides, waiting patiently for acknowledgment and acceptance. Embracing this realization empowers you to cultivate a sense of inner joy that transcends external circumstances. Through self-awareness and self-love, you uncover the profound truth that happiness is not found in others or in external validations, but rather in the unconditional embrace of your authentic self.

Why Pink? and not Blue!

This historic patriarchy has even defined a color for women, PINK. Yet another masterpiece created and imposed beautifully on Woman. At least allow us to choose the color. Well! hard to realize when women can’t even choose their education, partner, profession, all I am worried about is color. Because it’s not about the color but about the freedom! Freedom to make our own choices, freedom to feel the ability to make choices. Let one choose pink and other go for black, let pink be the favorite color of a man ignoring his favorite shirt due to the comments he will receive on wearing it. Pink is beautiful, it is humble, it looks pretty but is chosen for us, which I deny! Why dolls and not cars, why love stories and not animation, and what not.

Not to sound offensive, I love pink too. But spare the color palette. Don’t mix it with Gender and Life.

Fabulous February

I rather call it a Fab Feb! With the pandemic finally to an end, and the start of World War III, my February was a complete solution to all my problems. Though it feels like a year to me, It taught me lessons worth suffering. From achieving good sales to good compliments. From waking up early to working up late. Moving from one place to other and then ending up at home. Missing someone soo much and waiting for them to be back, so you and your life can be normal again. February was empowering, February was a compass, February was a task, a mission. And it turned out to be a much-needed month for me. I am going to read this article whenever I will feel low, confused, or useless. Because Yes I am worthy of all the things I had, and not answerable to anything else.
Looking forward to the Memorable March.

You are what you are because the opposite exists!

Do you know about – “The Art of Perfect Balance”. You are what you are because the opposite exists. Everything in life – from goodness to comfort to success or happiness – exists because its opposite exists too. Take one away, and the other loses value!

Everything benefits from the Existence of its extreme opposite. You are good only because you have resisted bad; honest because you choose not to lie. Shadows are dependent on the Existence of light. You enjoy a break only when you have a busy work schedule, and revel in peace when you exist amidst the chaos. Obviously, who would enjoy warmth if there were no cold?

Contrast and balance are essential to life. You are good not because you have no bad within you, but because you have resisted it and struck a balance that suits you.

Similarly one needs to balance all aspects of life. Successful people measure themselves on seven key elements to living a healthy and fulfilling life – Physical health, Family, Social, Financial, Business, Civic, and Spiritual.

“Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?”

It’s been a year I am trying to run from what is destined for me, here or there and everywhere else. But, I am ending up being at the same place! With this year coming to an end, I am standing here again, to make a choice. A choice between being a part of a big System or being a big System myself. I am here in a position to reject something Big, no one at my place will take this decision, and I will do that. The reason is simple “Sometimes it takes a wrong turn to get you to the right place.” I have been running and running reaching the same place. Enough of running and hopping. It’s time for me now to understand all that has been planned for me. Someone said – “Listen to the advice of your Destiny! All is a given!”. Well, I believe he is right!

Love what you do, Do what you love! (:

My one month routine-DETOX

Loop of breaks, work-detox, and appreciation.
Well! Everyone has a routine and needs a break from this routine, no matter how much you love it, you need a break.
The irony is you need these breaks to realize your love for your routine work. I had a break for a month, actually not a proper gap but more like detoxification. I took over something that was feeding my passion. That was my detox from my routine home-business-home. For a while, it was home – new place -business place – home. Yes, I missed my routine work, and since I was out there doing something irregular it made me realize more about why I was in love with my monotonous routine. Now I feel like going back to where I belong because that’s what I like the most. I call it my “small ecosystem.” And can not live and grow while being away from it for so long. I am the small and the big fish of my business ecosystem at the same time.

Love what you do! Do what you love! (:

Miracleous escape

And on that day..

My body could feel that fire

We were burning together

With the intensity so high

Illuminating each other like never before.


The heat layered around

That satisfiaction in our sound

Fire burning so right

Everything is burning around.


I wish I could hold you

One more time

And, made you believe in me

One more time.


I am not a quitter

You are not a task

I am your lover

Why? no need to ask.


That vibration in your voice

The sensation you created

I was a different person

I think the one you created.



THE JOURNEY : From job seeker to job giver.

It all starts when you don’t get anything easily. Actually, no one gets anything as easy as it appears. Everyone has crossed oceans to be at the place where they are now. When you desperately want to do something, trust me even air will blow in your direction. You will be given many doors, you will be given multiple suggestions, you will be facing criticism on a different level. You will be dull at a times, you will feel like quitting. But exactly at that point, you have to give double than what you were putting already. It’s not about making money in the start but making relations for the end. It is tougher to trust people who all will be representing you, who will be serving on behalf of you. You will judge yourself more than anyone else will, you will doubt yourself even more. What if this isn’t worked out the way I wanted to. What if I got zero. How does it even matter? How can you question something that’s not even a reality now? Everything takes time, everything has their own gestation period. It will grow, it will run, it will be exactly the way you wanted it to be. Have patience, don’t be lazy, don’t be negative. Trust yourself, you are a self-made businessman. And now you are a source of income to other people as well.
All the Best.